Hi everyone,

I’m sure you’re all aware about the current situation with Coronavirus, naturally there is a lot of misinformation out there and you might be feeling pretty anxious. While most people who catch the virus might not have symptoms any worse than a normal cold or flu, for some people the risk is much higher and we all need to be especially mindful of ensuring their risk of exposure is minimised as much as possible, and that we are supporting them.

What we’re doing to keep you safe ❤️
  • Washing our hands. Soap is proven to kill the virus by destroying the lipid shell that coats the virus. It’s more effective than hand sanitiser. When you come into the salon, we invite you to wash your hands in our bathroom facilities or one of our hand basins so that you can be assured you’re not carrying the virus from contact with objects other people have touched
  • Cleaning and sanitising each station between clients
  • Cleaning and sanitising high-touch areas at regular intervals, including the EFT-POS terminal
  • Staying home when we feel sick or may have been exposed to others who are sick
  • Keeping up to date and following the latest advice from the government and the Ministry of Health
What can you do to keep us safe ❤️
  • While we can certainly appreciate wanting to look your best while in self-isolation, please reschedule your appointment if you are feeling sick, have been potentially exposed, or have been asked to self-isolate
  • If someone who tests positive for COVID-19 comes into the salon, this could have devastating impacts on both our staff and our business. Please follow the government directives and advice from the Ministry of Health. We want to still be helping you look your best a year from now

To get info on the current health situation see this link from the Ministry of Health which is updated regularly with any new information. Don’t get your health info from social media!

If you don’t need to see a doctor, stay home. If you think you may have been exposed, call your local medical centre or ring Healthline on 0800 611 116.

How to help your community❤️
  • Check in on your neighbours and friends especially the elderly or those with compromised immune systems and find out if they have been able to get supplies and have family support. Stay away from them if you are sick
  • Wash your hands

Get a book, some games, and prepare some activities in case you need to self-isolate to keep yourself occupied. Might be a good time to plan your new look or do those projects you’ve been putting off!

If you had travel plans in the next couple of months you might think about traveling locally instead of overseas and help the NZ economy which will be hurting from the lack of tourists. Support small businesses! The big chains and multinationals can afford to take a hit but your local shops and tradies cannot. Keep spending at local cafes, restaurants, bars, hair dressers and mechanics. Go to the local green grocer or butcher instead of the supermarket.

Support each other! Be kind, recognise that people are under extra stress, they are worried and tempers will wear thin. We can get through this if we work together.

The government will be announcing more support tomorrow and over the coming weeks.

Take care of yourselves and each other and, if you need to vent then we are here to listen.

From all of us at Black Pearl & Co