It’s long been said that blondes have more fun, but let’s be real – caring and maintaining blonde hair can be a hassle. Not only can natural elements (like sun, water and pollution) make your locks brassy, but over processing and styling your hair can leave your hair dry and prone to breakage.

Luckily… we’re here to help! We’ve compiled a list of the best ways for maintaining gorgeous long, blonde hair. Here’s our top tips on caring for your blonde hair, both in and outside of the salon.

Keep your hair hydrated

For those of us who have been striving to achieve that perfect shade of blonde, we really put our hair through some hell! It can be a harsh process to bleach/lift hair, especially from a dark shade. It can strip the hair of many nutrients and natural oils, resulting in dry, stretchy and brittle hair.

Keeping your hair well hydrated can easily be done using deep conditioning treatments and masks for your hair.  We highly recommend investing in a quality leave in conditioner and/or deep repair hair mask for the best results. If you’re not sure which product will work best for your hair type, pop on into the salon – we have a range of amazing treatments and can advise the best product for you.

Keep your hair protected from heat

When it comes to using heated styling tools – the less, the better! If you’ve been through the process of having your hair lightened/bleached, your hair cuticles have been stripped, making it more difficult for your hair to be able to hold onto the nutrients that your scalp naturally produces. Once you add an excessive amount of heat styling onto this, it can really damage and dull your shine.

We recommend having a break from heat styling every once in awhile. Try letting your hair dry naturally or try wearing it in braids overnight for beautiful wavy hair in the morning. For those times that you are using heated styling tools, make sure you use a heat protectant spray on every section of your hair that heat is being applied to.

Keep those orange and brassy tones at bay

Want to keep that cool, beautiful shade of blonde that you left the salon with? Invest in a quality toner that you can use at home! Toners can make a big difference, as the difference in coolness and warmness have a subtle change based on suitability of each hair type.  

However, toner is not a self-select process! One of our colourists can advise which toner is best for your locks, based on your colour appointment and what you’d discussed in terms of the final finish you are looking for.

Maintaining for your blonde hair at the salon

Whether you’ve had blonde hair for many years, or wanting to lighten up your locks over time, we have the perfect solution for you…

Maintaining the health of your hair during and after each service is a top priority for us here at Black Pearl & Co – and that’s why we use the Redken pH-Bonder. The Redken pH-Bonder is the complete solution to promote bond integrity during your hair colour service, resulting in softer, smoother hair while preserving the health of hair during each salon visit.

We consider it to be a better, more affordable solution to Olaplex as we’ve watched it help many of our clients to achieve a beautiful blonde result without the damage. It’s the perfect treatment to have in between colour touch-ups, and includes a take-home-treatment for you to continue maintaining your beautiful long blonde locks once you leave the salon.