Changing up your hair – whether it be a new colour or cut – can have a huge impact on both your lifestyle and self-perception. As many of us know, a bad hair day can turn into a bad day overall – so, we find it completely understandable when our clients ask us lots of hair related questions.

In this blog, we’re going to address some of the most commonly asked questions about hair, so you’re armed with all the information you need to get the very best out of your hair.

How often should I get my hair cut?

There is no specific time-frame in which your hair ‘needs’ cutting; it comes down to your current style and what you’re looking to achieve. If you’ve just had a fresh new cut that you love and want to maintain, then it’s ideal to get your hair cut every 6-8 weeks. If you’re trying to grow out your hair while keeping it healthy along the way, a cut every 3-4 months is recommended.

Should I wash my hair before coming in for a colour appointment?

There’s a common myth that you shouldn’t wash your hair the same day you have it coloured; however this isn’t quite true. It’s good to have a bit of natural oil on your scalp, as this helps to create a protective barrier from the hair colour. Hair that is excessively greasy can actually slow down the colour’s process.

It ultimately comes down to the type of colour session you have planned:

Lightener on scalp – do not wash your hair for 48 hours prior to your appointment. As lightener on the scalp is a harsh process, having natural oil will be vital in protecting your scalp from the burning sensation you may feel throughout the process.

Lightener in foils – as no lightener is coming into contact with your scalp, you can wash your hair on the day of your appointment (if you feel it necessary).

Tint on scalp – for global and semi-permanent colours, you may wash your hair up to 24 hours before your appointment.

Can I go from dark to light with one appointment?

It is definitely possible to go from dark to light within one sitting – HOWEVER, this is completely dependent on the state of your hair. If you have natural hair that hasn’t previously been coloured, it can be lightened up to 8 shades in one sitting. If your hair has been previously coloured – especially if it’s been done with box dye at home – the process will likely require multiple appointments.

You can read more here about transitioning from dark to light hair.

Do I need to get a toner after having my hair lightened?

If you’ve chosen a specific shade of blonde, simply lightening your hair may not give you the desired shade you’re after. This is why we use toner; once your hair has been lightened, the toner works to colour correct or tone it to your desired shade of blonde.

A toner also contains ingredients that close the hair cuticle, ensuring a smoother and shinier result. The only time you may not need a toner is on natural virgin hair.

Can I use the shampoo and conditioner that I bought from the supermarket?

For optimum long lasting results, it’s best to steer clear of supermarket products and invest in the products we recommend. There’s no point paying $$$ to get your hair looking like a million bucks, only to maintain it with a $5 shampoo and conditioner – even if it claims to produce salon quality results.

Cheap hair products can strip the hair of its natural oils, cause the colour to drop out and even counteract those treatments you spent a lot of money on. While salon products are more expensive, they have more concentrated ingredients, meaning you use less product and it lasts a lot longer.