Hey there beautiful people,

Here at Black Pearl & Co, our first priority is the safety of our clients and staff.
From Friday 3 December New Zealand will move into the traffic light system for managing COVID-19. As part of this, due to being a close contact business, hair salons are required to use vaccine certificates in order to stay open under the orange and red levels.
So, from next Friday, you’ll need your vaccine certificate in order to attend your appointment. If you don’t have yours yet, you can get them from mycovidrecord.health.nz.
The great news about that is, we’ll be able to stay open during all the traffic lights, so no more lockdown hair!
We’ll continue to follow all COVID safety protocols in the salon, including wearing masks, as we move into the traffic light system. Black Pearl & co has also invested in an ActivePure air filter which sterilises the air to remove any pathogens to give you an extra level of safety, meaning you can relax and enjoy your haircut knowing you’re in good hands.
We thank you for your patience as we all get used to the new system, and we look forward to seeing you all soon for those fabulous Christmas hairdos!

The team at Black Pearl & Co